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Stand-alone Power Systems

Stand-alone Power Systems (UEERE0055, UEERE0063, UEERE0079)

This course fulfils the requirement by Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) for accredited installers and designers to gain the Stand Alone Power Systems endorsement on their Grid-connect PV system accreditation and counts as 80 points towards a SAA Accredited Installers Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points.

The course covers the following nationally recognized units of competency:

UEERE0055 Conduct site survey for off-grid photovoltaic/generating set systems

UEERE0063 Design off-grid photovoltaic/generating set systems

UEERE0079 Install off-grid power conversion equipment to electrical installation

This course covers the following:

  • Site surveys for off-grid photovoltaic/generating set systems
    •      Site survey processes and procedures, service provider responsibilities, consulting with qualified people to assess client energy demand requirements and assessing off-grid     equipment options to meet client requirements and site conditions.
    •      Provision of advice to the client on energy storage standards, codes of practices, government/utilities incentive schemes, and information related to the installation of off-grid renewable energy (RE) generation systems.
    •      Skills and knowledge required to design off-grid photovoltaic (PV) / generating set (Genset) systems
    •      Determining and developing off-grid PV systems design including gensets, following design briefs, documenting design calculations and criteria, and obtaining design approval
    •      The skills and knowledge required to install off-grid power conversion equipment to electrical installation
    •      Preparing to work on off-grid systems, installing off-grid system to electrical installation, and completing and reporting on installation activities

To be eligible for this course, students must hold an unrestricted Electrical licence and have completed units of competency:


UEERE0081 - Install photovoltaic systems to power conversion equipment

UEERE0078 - Install battery storage to power conversion equipment

If you haven’t completed the above units of competency then you will be required to complete a recognition of prior learning (RPL) process where you will be asked to supply your previous solar and battery qualification plus SAA accreditation number.


COURSE FEE: $2,800

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